Paul Abbey

My Activity Tracking

282.0 km

210 km

Day 1 In The Bag!

I haven't walked this far in a day for a very long time! Over 9km was trekked on day over 4 different walks - one on my own, 2 with the family and 1 with one of the kids. It was a bloody good day!
I need to average just under 7km a day for the entire month so I'm trying to stay above that average for the first week to keep some extra km up my sleeve.

Lets Keep Hearts Beating!

Heart Disease is a bastard. 

It is the leading cause of death in Australia.

The bastard disease has, and is challenging people in my family so I want to do something to support them, and the thousands of Aussies whose lives are impacted by this disease every single day.

This October I'll be walking, running and crawling my way through the equivalent of 5 marathons (or 11,666 trips to the beer fridge) to get to 210 km to raise funds for heart disease research that will help save lives.

If you're able to join me and help save Aussie hearts by making a donation to my page I'll be forever grateful.

Cheers Legends!

My Achievements

My Heart Pledge

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First Donation Received

Halfway to $ Goal

Met $ goal

Logged First KM

Halfway to KM Goal

Reached KM Goal

MyMarathon T-shirt

Heart Hero

Thank you to my sponsors


Alicia Savage

Well done Paul. Bald Head Hike is a beautiful trek. How about next one be 4am hike up Bluff Knoll so you get to see the sunrise from the top. It's amazing 🤩


Michael Cramer


Ray S

Will donate extra $50.00 if you do the full walk in Speedos and swim cap.


Lisa Woonings

I'm looking forward to these updates on how it's going! Well done for getting behind it!


Nathan Gligorevic

Run Harder Go Faster


Joyce And Paul Dallimore


Cathi Abbey


Saul Cowen


Jacab Madurun


Jai Frantom


Paul Abbey


Brother Menzies

You got this brother. Awesome effort for an awesome cause by an awesome human. Bertram Castle represent.


Gemma Gunn

Good job Paul!


Jackie Mcleish

Awesome job legend!


Marie Harris

Good luck Paul.xx


Skye Fuller


Allana & Bones

Well done Paul xx


Amanda B

Great job Pauly! You smashed it! 👊


Renae Callegari


Alison Kennedy


Stacy Mills

Go get ‘em Polly! Watch out for the Roos!


Dearne Germain

Way to go Paulie! Sorry I cant donate more but every little bit counts!


Jo Van Staden


Jen Abbey


Susan And Richard Wiechecki

Well done Paul, great cause x


Kristen Fairbrother

Good on you, awesome effort 👌


Bev Mcauliffe


Big Pete


Monika D

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