DIAS Steppers

Team Members

Raised for Aussie hearts

989.61 km
Distance Achieved

Support the DIAS Steppers in this Challenge!

This October, The DIAS Steppers be tackling MyMarathon for Australian hearts.

We’re going to make a marathon effort to help raise funds for lifesaving heart disease research.

We’ve signed up for this awesome challenge because there’s strength in numbers – the more team members we have, the bigger impact we can make.

Will you join our team?

Our team want to show our support for the thousands of men and women living with heart disease in Australia.

But we can’t do it alone. Please support our team by making a donation, right here and now.

Together, we can win the race against heart disease.

Thank you to our sponsors



Go Steppers!!!


Sarah Duval


Jack Lee


Hamish Murray


James Carey


Hayden Bull


Jad Goss


Ellen Manning


Rachael Hazell


David Barham


Darren Manson

Run well 🏃‍♀️




Sarah Duval


Keeren Duval


Darren Ewers

Go get it team!

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